As we approach the end of this fabulous year. Even with the present economy situation I am VERY thankful for this yr. I could dwell on all the negative...but you don`t want to read that nor do I. So, instead I want to take a few minutes just to express my sincere love and appreciation for this departing year.
1st. a HUGE thank you to my wife Raquel who is my inspiration & my "Roc" my nickname for her. She has supported me not only in business but in life. In everything I do she`s there for me. Which also includes a TON of time on the computer with marketing, typing and more typing. We have 2 of the ABSOLUTE best kids you can ask for and she is the glue that binds all of us together. Thank you Ethan and Sophia my 2 amazing children. Just your smiles, silly faces and little hands squeezing me so hard that sometimes, I try sooooo hard to hide my tears (of love) that I feel for you. Your UNconditional love and affection that I could not live a second without knowing I always have it.
Chris ...AKA (Boy Genius) a big part of my success and quite possibly the most reliable co-worker I have ever had assisting me in every way w/o ever missing a day or having an excuse. He`s with me at every wedding and contributes in post editing the day after to give that "Scott Craig look" that so many of you, my clients appreciate. A very special person that I consider a friend!
Finally, I LOVE what I do and it`s because of YOU my clients (for lack of better word) I get to earn my living and provide for my family. I owe you my sincerest appreciation for allowing me to document and capture what is considered to be one of the most important and special days in your lives. Every wedding is extraordinary and very special to me! Getting to know each couple and watching for those intimate moments between the two of you, a whisper in an ear or a kiss on the nose, the 1st time you are announced "mr & mrs"... capturing that split second in time that I KNOW that every time you look at it. You will both "feel" something or remember that specific moment. And, even if you don`t remember it. You will be thankful that I was there to capture it for you and future generations to appreciate.
Many of you I still keep in touch with and have become friends and this is another reason I love what I do. I thank you for ALL the FABULOUS Referrals you have sent me. I know that is a HUGE gesture of trust in me. And one that I GREATLY appreciate.
As we get ready for 2009, we bring in a new year, new president, new hopes and loves, new goals and my favorite new FRIENDS. Make 2009 better then 2008 & make 2010 better then 2009. Get those wedding plans in order, don`t stress over little things, it will work out. Live, Love and NEVER forget to laugh.
Happy Holiday and Best wishes,
Scott Craig