
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Kristen & Jason...Good times

Kristen & Jason are a great couple. They meet like many of us do, On the job. Often this could make things complicated, but not in this case. They fell in love and got married. With a beautiful ceremony at St Mary Magdalen church w/reception at Timacuan Country club in Lake Mary. The day ran extremely smooth with no stress or worries. Jason, you made me crack up w/you "garter strut" it was HILARIOUS!. Kristen you looked beautiful and the whole day was coordinated beautifully by Karen at Chic Designs and Events

Thanks for a great day. I wish you the all the best!.

Until next time.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I (heart) NY

A little background on this shoot. I have admired this place over the past year or so even going so far as taking special trips out there just to see if any new work was done. I never even saw a person there. But, this time was different. I thought it was abandoned buildings but would notice that new pieces would show u from time to time. This is also a location that requires a "special" type of couple that is cool with this as a backdrop. I found that couple. This past week I had the pleasure to do an engagement session for Ricky & Kristen. Ricky, also from New York was stoked about shooting there session here. We met late in the day to try and avoid the heat... COME ON already it's october..I ready for cooler air.

I was born and raised in NY. Born In Yonkers, then living in Brooklyn then back to the Bronx I was around Graphitii during my early years as it was everywhere. From buildings, trains, cars you name it, It was there.. I have blogged about this before & how much I love this form of art. It affects me on so many levels. 1) brings me back to remembering when I was a kid & the city I love so much. 2) These are all artists that are soooo talented I look in envy. We have all seen graphitti in one form or another. Most of the time it is really (bad) that my kids can do, & maybe even better. But, these "artists" are among the BEST!!!

We were treated to actually meeting a few of the artists. When I got there, I was AMAZED that there were not only people there, but I was going to meet these guys. Right there in front of my eyes they were creating NEW pieces of art.

Here take a look. I can't wait to for the wedding in a couple of weeks.

Until next time,

Friday, October 23, 2009

Beautiful day, Beautiful People

The setting was beautiful. Lindsay & Marcus looked beautiful. The weather was beautiful.
The house belonging to Lindsay's Aunt & Uncle w/what seemed to be almost half a football field walk from the house to the lake, was incrediblely beautiful. When I got there Marcus was busy at work making sure the flowers were just perfect and they were. The day just went perfect and it was clear that everyone felt the love. Memorable moments for me was the 1st dances, especially with Lindsay & her father. Just Beautiful.

BTW Marcus is the owner of Rose Mary's Flowers in Winter Park. If your are looking for flowers PLEASE give him a look.

Best Wishes to you guys.

Until Next time,

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sunrise in Cocoa Beach

The love for the ocean that Amy & James share is part who they are. So much so that that is where they are going to exchange their vows on a Yacht in Ft Lauderdale April of 2010 that can fit over 250 guests. This ain't no little boat we are talking about.
So, when Amy & James asked if I would take there engagement images on the beach at "SUNRISE" I thought wow! beautiful & romantic. BUT, then I remembered I was going to have to wake up at up at 4;45 am to drive to Cocoa bch. I have not had to wake up that early in sooooo many years I had to go buy an alarm clock. I currently use my kids as my alarm clock who wake me up everyday by 7:00am.

Anyway, it turned out beautifully. James even told me that when they got home they too crashed for a few hours.

You guys are FANTASTIC!. Looking forward to your wedding day.

Until next time,

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Three's company

I TOTALLY enjoy engagement sessions. They are just fun. I often get requests to incorporate props and many times the props are pets. So, when Jessica asked to bring the only child for now named "Steve", I was stoked, since I LOVE animals.

Jason, A big teddy ear was really good about having his picture taken in what was a pretty humid day. I think a couple of times I actually called Jason (Jessica's finance') "Steve". Thanks for understanding Jason. Your destination wedding in Mexico will be beautiful!

Until next time,

Monday, October 19, 2009

BS'N Again...

Okay, so, I am not the best at "blogging" on a regular basis. I admit is have been "BS'N" or some may call it being a BS'R. No, it's not what you`re thinking....At least I hope not. Wheres your mind at. BS'n is short for "Blog Slackin" or "Blog slacker" aka BS'r...LOL

As i sit here now to write this I have counted 9 Weddings & 3 Engagement sessions I still need to post. I will catch up soon...I hope.

This past weekend I had 2 weddings. 1 taking place in Miami on a very exclusive island home. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL, I`m taking about the bride Elizabeth & the house wasn't to bad either. The other was at the Ritz Carlton in West Palm Beach.

I will post more in the next few weeks...I hope!

Until next time,

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