One of my new years resolutions I mentioned in a PRE 2011 post was to try to enjoy other forms of photography. One of those I wanted to explore is High School Senior photography. It is soooo much different then weddings and a ton of fun.
Ashley and Joel (Ashley's BF) met with me one day do get some incredible images. We snuck Joel in to a few of them. Joel, Is a great guy who is a Marine reserve signed up for a 6 year stint while attending college.
Together they make some really delicious images.
Ashley, thanks for being so brave and open to all suggestions. You are beautiful and you may not know it now, but in 20 years you will look back on these and remember just who you were then. And you would become to be.
** If you are interested in High school senior photograrbook pictures, Call or email me. I can guarantee you it will be FUN!, and images like you could never imagine.
**Ask yourself: Who are you?. What's your style? How can you separate yourself from the crowd. This is some of the greatest times of your