Sometimes in life we go through our day to day existence not really conscience of the reality of "now". What I mean by that is we all have special people in our lives, and we just take it for granted that we will see each other the next time, but as I find out as I get older sometimes things happen unexpectedly. Recently, my Father in law (Lolo as we call him) was told at the age of 75 that his heart was only working at @40% capacity and that it would be necessary to have a pacemaker put in to live. WOW! is that a powerful thing to hear or what. And for him a very proud and joyfully "stubborn" it was not a decision that he instantly made. Believe it or not he pondered it for several days. I guess I should mention that he has 12 kids from 2 marriages and i think it`s up to 36 grand children that love and care for him dearly. Well, after much prodding and coaxing he decided to have it done right here at Arnold Palmer hospital Orlando. With sooooo many family members he really had almost 24hr a day visitors near him. My mother in law who is TRULY a saint (whose life I saved. Will get into that another time) was by his side from 6am till they asked her to leave @ midnight just to return the next morning at 6am. These days you go into a hospital for "HEART SURGERY" and you are released the (next day)...wha wha WHAT!!!. Sad but true. But this one was not without some complications that after is was done made my FIL (father in law) quite upset and 2nd guess his decision to live.
So, 4 days later and after going back in to "correct" some things. he was able to leave. And as my FIL true to his STRONG will and daily customs when 5pm rolled around he had his glass of scotch just like he would any other day.
Let people know you care everyday with a kind word or better yet a hug or a kiss. You just never know...
Lolo, you made the right decision. We are all better for having you here longer
Talk to you soon I`m off to grab my FAVORITE food in the world. PIZZA,
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