It`s blog slackin or blog funny is that. I`m not sure how long this will last, but it fits me so very well. I am a HUGE fan of all pop culture and find it fascinating from different era how much things change and how quickly they fall out of being "cool". Today it seems that everybody has a blog or is on Facebook (which I just joined) if you want to connect or become a fan please let me know, Then we have myspace, twitter and a new one I saw called 12 seconds... etc. I visit them all, but find it very hard to do it every single day or even more then 1-2 times a week. I know many photographers that make it a religion to Blog 4-5 times a week. Anyway, it is a phenomenon that I am going to see how long "blogging" is the "cool" thing.
Do you remember when emailing was "cool" now it`s so yesterday!. Texting is it for me these days, although I still prefer the old fashion telephone, you know with rotary dial...LOL who remembers those phones.
Hey, I think I will make it a 2 blog week/ a facebook update and throw in a tweet for fun.
Until next time...(later this week)
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