So, I explained that I would still like to meet in the small chance that the other couple did not bind the date. So, we agreed. Upon meeting with Maggie and her Mother I really felt that she is a very sweet girl and truly liked my work. At the end we left it as I would be in touch with her w/24hrs of this meeting. I had to contact my other couple to reconfirm their commitment to reserving my services. Well, we met that Sunday and the date was now reserved with my other couple. I called Maggie to tell her and remember that I even offered to see if I could help recommend another photographer. She kindly thanked me and that was the end or so I thought. Several months later I received an Email from Maggies sister Juslin. Her email read "my sister recommended you". At that point I honestly could not figure out who it was. Upon asking who her sister was she told me "Maggie" I was floored by that. Since I knew Maggie had to chose another photographer. And she still recommended me... WOW!
Here is the slight "twist" on the Esession. When I met Maggie and Juslin we talked and found out that Juslins Fiance Bobby lives and works in Louisiana at this time on television and would be unable to make the engagement session So, to thank Maggie for the referral of Juslin, I decided to make it a family shoot. Last Friday I met them, included their Mother, Grandmother (so cute) and their Aunt Carol. We had a really good time, relaxed and got to see the "girls in action". They have a great bond and totally at ease with each other. (you know what i`m talking about...LOL).
I will have the pleasure of meeting Bobby this Friday and will be photographing Juslin & Bobby`s wedding on July 4th. I expect a lot of fire works that day & night.
Finally, a HUGE thank you to Maggie, who by the way found another photographer whose work I have seen and KNOW they will be very happy.
See you guys soon,
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