Well, kinda. They are both engineers at the Kennedy space center. So, yes they both have SUPER HUMAN intelligence,but are two regular people and a TON of fun. And me a person who LOVES fun people naturally got along great with these guys. Jill & Steve are 2 people who definitely do not fit the stereotypical engineer profile. We took the engagement session photos at the very beautiful Leu Gardens in Orlando. I have done several wedding there, but this was different. I actually was able to slow down walk around while we talked and saw more of Leu Gardens and found a couple of "secret" spots for future wedding pictures.
Jill and Steve are getting Married in August at the very beautiful and sophisticated Omni Hotel at Champions Gate. If you are looking for someplace different, I highly recommend you check it out.
Guys I can`t wait for the wedding. Good thing I`ll be taking most of the images from the ground floor and not from balconies...LOL.
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