Greetings all, Today I blog to ask for your help. Weather affected directly or indirectly we all know someone who has battled with cancer. I have had family members and friends who have been diagnosed w/ 1 form or another.
We as photographers are so lucky to do what we do, and MANY of us try to "give back". This is a GREAT! cause and I felt I MUST be apart of this. We can all give something on October 11th. Through the efforts of Images for a cure I would like to open up 3 spots on October 11th for photography. The session fee will be only $100 & will be made by you to images for a cure. This will include session fee only. Prints and images on DVD will be additional. But his can be for family portraits, High school seniors, children, couples in love or for almost anything. It must take place in Seminole or Orange county This is for a FANTASTIC! cause. Please let all your friends and family know.
I am here to answer any questions you may have.
HELP fight by giving.
Until next time.
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