You may remember Dominique & Kevin from their engagement session about 6 weeks ago. They are w/o a doubt 2 of the BEST and funniest couples ever. I can't tell you how much fun I had. This is ANOTHER couple that decided to see each other BEFORE the ceremony to ensure enough time for great images and creativity. I think we succeeded.
This may be one of the FASTEST ceremonies EVER!. I blinked and it was done. But, not before tears were falling from many of the guests. Many images were at Rollins College in Winter Park. Remember, they took special time to see each other prior to the ceremony.
Kevin, I cannot tell you how AWESOME it is to see how easy and comfortable you are with WHO you are. Kevin, I also thank you for all you do to protect our country. Words can't explain the gratitude I feel.
Dominique, You are genuine and easy to smile with. Beautiful as anyone can easily see. Together you make a "special" duo. And Xander the little gentleman, well, how about CUTE, Adorable, Loving, . And a incredible dancer...
Kevin, I hope you are back for the Holidays. Thanks for all the laughs & good times.
I wish you the BEST!.
Until Next time,