
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Daytona Beach Shores Wedding Pt 1

Well, This will be another (2) part series...LOL. I always have a hard time "stopping" on which to post. So, please forgive for that. But, Kaitlyn & Louis are just to easy to photograph. It was hard to stop hitting the shutter.

So, this day was filled with emotion. Kaitlyns parents were very emotional especially, Her Father. From Tears to High fives this was a GREAT day. Several things always catch my eye at every wedding. Being there as a photographer is like being like a fly on the wall. It was clear, that Both Kaitlyn & Louis are "real" taking relationships very seriously. Family and friends all gathered to be apart of this special day. I got the feeling that everyone holds Kaitlyn & Louis as "special". They cherish this.

It was a BIG Party with White Rose entertainment in DA HOUSE.

Just a few days after the wedding Kaitlyn & Louis moved to Colorado. What a Beautiful way to start off their new lives together.

Part 2 will be soon...You know you will want to check back to see the rest.

Until Next time,

1 comment:

Wedding DJ Orlando said...

Really enjoyed looking at your pictures very professional and eye catching.

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